As for the memory card just throw it in and the phone will know to make a folder for music, video, etc. then go to menu -%26gt;setting-%26gt;sound profile. You might want to trim the songs if you are using songs. To do that just use windows movie maker which most people should have if they are using windows under program. just find it and figure how to use it, it's not very hard to use. I think you want the songs to be trimmed around 29 sec or less.|||How do i get the windows movie maker on my laptop and its Windows Vista. I need help with that if you can help...can you please send me the link to get the download because the one i saw i was told it was for Windows XP...
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|||The way to do a ring tone is to get your tone ready(what ever it is,music,clapping,farting)And play it thru something and use ur phones audio recorder/record/save/more/set as/ringtone.u only need about 2 seconds,it will loop it asneeded.I use a ring like a old phone so I know it is me ringing
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